C o p e n h a g e n 2 0 0 7
This... is BNN. BabyNatorNews Be the first to know.
Today, March 1, this three-and-a-half-person unit found a new place to live.
I am presently BN-testing the floor-quality here.
I believe it can be approved now.
The weather is definitely getting warmer now.
Observed today that there are some funny colourful things cropping up right outside the windows here.
Two nice men help Mummy with the piano.
I volunteer as the new Handyman of the House. Otherwise, how would that Ikea kitchen project ever get finished?
Look, Far, this is where you have to put it...
20 months old today.
My Aloriginal vocabulary is still mostly limited to ‘Me!’, ‘Me!’, and ‘Mer!’, ‘Mer!’ but I sing and dance a lot.
I love to kick ball and I quickly learn from the bigger boys in the ’hood.
I keep discovering new cool places in this city.
See you in the next chapter in April. I have a feeling there could be exciting things ahead...